Tuesday, August 5, 2008


You want to have a more fulfilling relationship with you partner but not sure, Where to start? & How to start? Some simple ways are given here to build a more committed, satisfying relationship, which will last all through your LIEF.

Either you’re nurturing a budding romance or you’ve been married. You could hold the promise of a more committed, fulfilling and loving relationship , if you’re willing to do a little work.. You not sure Where to start? Here is a expert advice to make close relationships – building suggestions.


Truly listening, can reduce conflict makes more trusty, and takes it to a more satisfying partnership. Listening may sound simple, but it also requires better half is speaking with each other while your are in the same room.
Instead of watching television, off the television, make a full attention & eye contact towords your partner. And also don’t forget to follow up on what you hear. These things are very much important when your partner is upset. Either is a problem or there is any dispute will find a way, if you have listened carefully. These things requires practice for some.


In your first meeting, you pay attention to all the things you like. But as time goes on and on you start to take that for granted and focus on what bothers you. Make relationship positive, if it becomes more and more negative than positive, you break up.
Make a conscious effort to focus on the things you like about your partner. Your partner has many good qualities, as well as things that drive you crazy. Look for the positive, keep in your mind and don’t think about negative. Notice small positive things to remember them.


Finding a fault of your partner not only creates tension, but it also gets you nowhere. If you’re nagging, your partner will tune you out. Instead of saying what you don’t like, say what you would prefer by giving alternatives for that try to have a dialogue or speech.
Don’t imbalance any criticisms with a heavy dose of positive feedback. While making a request that could be seen as nagging, take the edge off by expressing appreciation for your partner’s good qualities. Whenever you want to ask for a change, your partner will be more motivated to please you if he or she feels appreciated.


Probably you have heard the idea before make dates and keep them. Keeping ‘couple time’ in your dairy reinforces your sense of dedication to each other. A couples benefit when they ‘feel’ commitment. Without including friends, relatives or any body make these private time special of your LIFE.
Please avoid the mistake of limiting your interaction to designated couple time. Every day you try to enjoy each other’s company for atleast a few minutes, if possible spontaneously, especially in the morning, end of the day and right before bed. At that time you talk about positive things and it will make a big impression. Don’t miss make a special point of greeting each other at the end of the day. When he / she in the home, you first stop what you’re doing, as your partner comes and spend a moment together acting as you are important for me.


In a better relationship, both communication is important. These are physical and emotional. These two types of communication relieves tension and shows your partner that you care. You go out of your way to kiss and embrace during the day. If you’ve had a fight with your partner, always sleep together in the same bed. Never sleep in a separate bed or in a separate room.

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pune, maharashtra, India
email ID vilasmpawar@yahoo.co.in