Sunday, February 4, 2007


Think of them as fellow adults, rather than as your parents.

“ If you treat them as fellow adults, they’re more likely to treat you like one”. A simple way to do this is to ask yourself a question before each interaction with them.“ How would I act in this situation if mom or dad was a friend or an acquaintance ?” Then behave accordingly.

Taking with parents as a friends.

Don’t limit your conversations strictly to family memories, or gossip about family members, or your personal life. There’s a whole wide world out there - why not explore it with mother & father as you would with a friend?

Keep your sense of humor.

When you’re dealing with your parents, laughter can be a life saver – both to help you handle the stress of dealing with sometimes crotchety individuals and to help you bond together by telling jokes or sharing some comics. If you can laugh together, you’re doing okay.

Ask parents advice or opinion when you require.

Asking for a parents advice is sometimes really a way of asking for approval, when you’re an adult, take decisions on your own. If your parents are bent on offering you advice whether asked or not, smile ,nod, and take it in.

Be honest about who you are and what you want.

May be there are things about your growing up that your parents regret. But as long as you don’t regret it, they have to adjust. Be clear about who you want to be and help your parents accept you on your terms.

Grant them their independence too

Sometimes it’s the grown – up kid who dosent’s want to cut the nurturing relationship off. If you are past twenty five and still find it necessary to talk to mother every night, or immediately turn to your father for a house repair rather than your spouse, or automatically assume your parents will baby – sit the children whenever you need to be out, then you may be the problem, not your folks. They deserve freedom too.

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